Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Mae Boun Nam, an example for all of us.

Mae Boun Nam (pronounced Me-bu-nam) is the smallest and youngest of our 4 female elephants. She is just 17 years old and used to work in Hongsa District (the village I visited earlier in my trip), transporting tourist on hours-long forest treks. Fortunately, she was never used in the logging industry because of her petite size and young age.

She came to us about a year and a half ago when a poacher shot her. The veterinary team saved her life but the baby she was carrying did not survive. Though elephants do not forget, apparently they do forgive: our “Water Festival” is the most joyful and playful of them all. 

She loves people but the thing she loves the most is going for a swim in the lake (her name suits her perfectly!). She hasn’t had any medical issues, so Mae Boun Nam naively sees me as a friend instead of the veterinarian (which I enjoy very much). 

I always go to the pier when its time for her bath where I brush her, give her lots of treats and admire her thrill.

Currently, she is going into our fenced breeding area 3 times a week with the male elephant where they spend several hours getting to know each other better. I spend this time observing and recording courtship behavior for our breeding program. Our male is a little shy with girls though so he hasn't tried to win her over much! Hopefully that will soon change as Mae Boun Nam cannot wait to have a baby of her own; she always tries to touch and play with the babies here at the center but mommies are very protective and keep them away.

I am definitely connecting with “Water Festival”: her gratefulness for living reminds me why I became a veterinarian and her forgiveness toward people, her compassion, reminds me why I love animals with such passion. 

I think we could learn a thing or two from Mae Boun Nam...Watch and learn people, watch and learn.

More to come,
Karla Nova


  1. Ehhh soon you will be like the Dalgarian princess... only 'mother of elephants',instead of 'mother of dragons'... ;)

  2. Karla Nova, mother of elephants? sounds good but I will need a couple of babies to honor that name!

  3. ah is the Water Festival going on now? And Mr. Man is out of the forest? So sad I never got to meet him!


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